Golden Rock Farm

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Green Bay, VA
"We have gotten such joy from our two girls. They are not only beautiful, but smart and full of love."  Grayson and Lincoln (Ginger x Colt)
Hey there! I just wanted to send you an email to let you know that a Rocket (Ginger&Colt) is doing wonderfully in his new home! He has been such a wonderful pup so far and has brought so much joy into our lives. He graduated from his first training class last month, and will be starting the intermediate class in a few weeks. He is growing like a weed and has lost all his baby teeth! Rocket is the star of our neighborhood, everyone has to stop and pet him when we walk by and all the other dogs love to play with him. He loves to chase tennis balls and chew on his stuffed animals. He likes to visit my parents house as their neighborhood has a nice walking trail around a lake and of course his Grandma spoils him with toys and affection! When we decided to get Rocket, I was in the midst of a major depression. I've been on leave from work since October, but thanks to Rocket I'll be going back in a couple weeks. The responsibility of caring for a dog along with his constant love and companionship really gave me what I needed to get back on my feet. I want to thank you for allowing us to bring such a special dog into our lives, he is truly amazing! I've attached some pictures from the past few months for you to enjoy!
Thanks again!
"Thought you might like to see my beautiful Gracie. She is 2 years and 2 months old in this picture. Puppy from Misty and Colt. She is truly a delight, still full of energy and sweet as can be. I wish I could afford another so she would have some canine company and someone to play with in the yard."
"My husband and I wanted to check to see when your next litter for Misty and Colt would be. I have been to your farm twice to help pick out my parents' dog, Hank. You have 2 adorable pictures of Hank as a puppy on your website. I have attached a few recent pictures of him- he is such a wonderful, loving, and atheltic dog. He was born in the Misty/Colt litter in December 2012.  Hope we can have one of Hank's half siblings some day!"

"I thought I would send a few pictures your way and boast about our perfect Banner! My husband was recently on your website 'just looking' and could not believe the resemblance between Banner and Colt! He really has been such a joyous part of our lives for the past three years- not only to us but to all who meet him!  Hope you all are well and we look forward to our next trip to Golden Rock Farm!" Cookie x Colt!!
I heard of Golden Rock Farm through Banner’s mommy! When I first spoke with Theresa – her first question was what type of dog we wanted (personality, size, temperament, etc.) -this is the exact moment I knew Golden Rock Farm was the perfect breeder for us, because she took the time to find the best match. After I explained “I would love to have an active dog that loves to swim, but will also snuggle on the couch and get along well with other dogs” she asked me to hold off for a Misty/Colt Litter. Boy was she right – Camden is the absolute perfect dog in every way. We already had a lab rescue – and they are two peas in a pod! Camden flew through training classes and we always joke when people ask us why he is so good and say “he basically trained himself.” It’s incredible how smart and athletic he is. He LOVES to swim. We can’t walk through our neighborhood or go out with him without somebody stopping us to ask where we got him. Camden has been the best addition to our little family and we are so grateful that Golden Rock Farm provided such a wonderful experience. Thank you so much! Misty x Colt!!

Thought you might want some pictures for your website. Stellas doing awesome and she's so perfect. She's already house broken, crate trained, and is so well behaved. I can send more pictures through your email if you want to add them to your website. Thanks again! I'll keep you updated!  Trixie x Harley!!
Just wanted to let you know that Dutch is doing great. Working a few kinks out with the obedience but overall he's the best. Would love to get him out with his cousins sometime this spring to run and swim. Misty x Colt
Harley Jr. is wonderful dog that is very smart and loves the water. We have a place
on the Chesapeake Bay and loves to swim.
Trixie and Harley
​Chipper is doing so well!! We love him so much. We enjoy him so much and can't thank you enough!!
Lucy x Colt 

Golden Rock Farm

Cassie - Charlie/Oscar Puppy

by Golden Rock Farm on 09/16/18

"When we meet people the adjective used most times is "beautiful"."